Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Thursday in April.

Wrote three tanka and five haiku this evening, including

Reflected in a
window looking into night
she ponders it all.


Light grows darker twixt
the neighboring homes - a glance
upward shows a plane
silouetted against a
still most azure-cream puff sky.

Things I want accomplish, sooner than later:
- Be a calmer, kinder and gentler person in action and thought.
- Wear bright red lipstick/gloss, and not stop searching for the perfect one until I find it.
- Be bold and paint my stubby fingernails the slut red color my toes always are and seize my long fingers.
- Continue being organized. I've done remarkably this week if I do say so myself.
{Kindly never you mind the clean laundry from Sunday still not put away yet on the spare bed behind me.}
- Finish that bloody Dorothy Parker book already so I can at long last finally start "The Fountainhead."
- Know when it's time to back away from the computer to curl up with Celestial Seasoning's Sleepytime tea because the apartment is freezing.

I've been in my jammies since 5:30 p.m. and it's be rad.
{I've had my hoodie hood up since about 7 p.m.}

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