Wednesday, November 26, 2008

As the Old Crow flies ...

It is not even 9 a.m. and I am already salivating for tonight's festivities.
I don't know where the road will take me, but I am 110 percent sure it shall include copious amounts of alcohol.

I think mayhap the reasoning I am so "thirsty" already is because of the fact that my haus has smelt of my yearly bourbon chocolate pecan pie (that's heavy on the Old Crow, natch) since about 8 a.m. this morn.
Old Crow Bourbon Pictures, Images and Photos
I thought I would save myself the trouble of making it tonight or, God forbid, tomorrow morning and then transport it before it can properly cool. Betty Crocker would be none too pleased methinks to hear her protege did such a thing!

I hope this weekend stems to be as awesome for you as I hope it will be for me.
Bring on the tryptophan!!

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