Wednesday, February 11, 2009

C'mon get Hallmark.

Everyone has at least one - at least one talent that is all their own.
Be it writing, painting, singing, piano, ukulele, whatever, everyone has something they are good at.

Naturally, I'd like to think that I have several veritable talents (thinking naturally and oh-so-modestly, LOL). Like my horrid singing voice, which I use constantly to just about everyone's dismay. Or my inherent clumsiness. Or my uncanny ability to pick what person another person is a doppelganger of.

All kidding aside, one of my greatest talents is picking out the absolute perfect Hallmark card for my loved ones.

It's taken years to get to this level of Hallmark shopper (and probably close to a million Gold Crown Points) and I do revel in it. I will have you know that I have been a Gold Crown card carrier since 1997. A Preferred Gold Crown card carrier, thankyouverymuch.

I just love the whole production of scouring the card racks for as long as it takes to find that a perfect display of my affection for said loved ones.
(Tonight's Valentine's Day purchase took well over an hour. I only had to buy four Valentines and one birthday, BTW).
I just seem to always hit the nail on the head, and can proudly boast that I have made my mom cry on more holidays than I haven't made her cry. It's an art form really.

I love the smell of Hallmark (especially the Dallas Shopping Center one). I love writing my own little blurb under the card's message. I love putting the shiny gold foil sticker on the back (and not only because it saves me from tasting icky envelope glue). And I especially love the reaction someone has to their perfect card.

It just makes me happy to Hallmark ... and especially when I get my members reward coupon. Hey, even card freaks have to be economical these days ...

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