Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lucky girl.

No matter what's going on in my life, or the world, as long as I have these four people, I can make it through anything.
{Roosters. Charlotte. September 2008.}

My family, made up of a Pennsylvania chapter and a North Carolina chapter, is pretty damn wonderful. Sure we're sometimes ridiculous and dysfunctional, but show me a family who isn't. I'll show you a family who doesn't exist after a 22-minute episode is over.

I could go on all day about them (and it still wouldn't be long enough), but right now I want to focus on my brother, Michael. Six years my senior, he's been my sage since the day I was born.*
{Roosters. Charlotte. September 2008.}

I've been pretty down in the dumps recently, and after playing phone tag, Michael and I finally connected tonight for a brief but profound conversation. He said nothing I didn't already say and journal myself, but coming from him, My Big Brother, the world suddenly spun correctly on its axis for the first time in eons.

Do they have to go to Big Brother School to learn these things, or does it just come naturally when you have a Baby Sister who's in need?

* Even though he tried to kill me at least seven times during my lifetime, facts he vehemently denies, but I have them all on record. As do the authorities, should he feel the need to try for an eighth.

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